Eugene by Rare Breeds
We can use the module to generate and control beat patterns. Full circles show the hits of the rhythm.
Length - controls the amount of beats in a rhythm.
Hits - controls the number of hits that trigger an output signal in rhythm.
Shift - alters/changes the start point of a rhythm
To alter the parameters from above we can input CV values at the CV knobs.
REV button and CV input allow you to reverse the pattern either manually or with a gate control voltage.
INV button and CV input invert hits and no hits. When INV active the empty circles are the hits of the pattern.
EOC triggers an output signal when the end of circle is reached. The module has different EOC modes: - On Repeat: triggers on first beat of the cycle only when whole cycle ran through - First: triggers on first beat of cycle even when resetted. - Last: triggers on last beat