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Localization - Multiple Languages in Unity

Install package

Go to the package Manager - Unity Registry - Localization - Install it

Create Localization Asset

Project Settings - Localization - Create Active Localisation Settings - Create New Folder To Save Localization Files

Select Language

Unity syntax for Language is locale Select which languages you need under localeGenerator Create new Folder locals and save the locals in there.

Select default language

Specific Locale Selector - Assign default language locale Match project language with default language - Project Locale Identifier -> to default language

Change the text depending on language

Go to window - Asset Management - Localization Tables. Select new StringTable Collection - Create

Create a key - This key holds a reference for the entries in the table

Click on brackets Localization Icon and make sure that Preload all tables is checked.

Add Localize String Event to the TextMeshPro Element.

Select the table and the key you want to use.

Now we need to tell unity which text to controll.

Assign TextMeshPro Text Comp to Update String Event Choose TextmeshPro and pick text

How to change the language using a button

Create a Script LocaleSelector

using UnityEngine.Localization.Settings

public class LocaleSelector : MonoBehaviour
    private bool active = false;
    public void ChangeLocale(int localeID){

    IEnumerator SetLocale(int _localeID){
        active = true;
        yield return LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation;
        //Making sure Localization is loaded
        LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales[_localeID];
        //ID is the number of the locale in the settings
        active = false;


Assign Skript to Component Localization Manager Drag Localization Manager Object into the OnClick Event of the buttons and pick the corresponding id of your language.

You can save the players decision then as default

private void Start(){
    int ID = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LocaleKey",0)
IEnumerator SetLocale(int _localeID){
        active = true;
        yield return LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation;
        //Making sure Localization is loaded
        LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales[_localeID];
        //ID is the number of the locale in the settings
        active = false;

Change assets depending on language

Add: if you want to change a spirte -> localize Sprite Event if you want to change Audio -> localize AudioClip Event

Add new Asset Table Collection
