Mapbox React Native
Installing packages for expo
npm install @rnmapbox/maps
For iOS, Android and Expo there are different configurations you can find here Configurations Platforms
For expo:
Set RNMapboxMapsDownloadToken
to your secret token.
Add RNMapboxMapsDownloadToken
to the @rnmapbox/maps
config plugin in the plugs array of your app.
Then add you key in the the config.js/app.js
"expo": {
"plugins": [
// highlight-start
"RNMapboxMapsDownloadToken": "sk.ey.."
// highlight-end
Rebuild app`
expo prebuild --clean
Configure permissions for location access
To show the location puck on the map with the LocationPuck
component you use the expo-location
plugin to configure the requires NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
Install the plugin with npx expo install expo-location
and add its config plugin to the plugins array
"expo": {
"plugins": [
// highlight-start
"locationWhenInUsePermission": "Show current location on map."
// highlight-end
!!! In the App.js you use the public token or your secret token from mapbox and in the app.json file you use your download token. You can also set up your secret token in an env file