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Creating a project with Expo

  1. Create an expo project npx create-expo-app ./ or npx create-expo-app@latest Downloads and installs the bases for deact native projects If you want an empty project not with the default template you can use. npx create-expo-app MyApp --template blank

Then navigate into the new project folder with cd

  1. Install dependencies npx expo install expo-router react-native-safe-area-context react-native-screens expo-linking expo-constants expo-status-bar All these packages are necessary

In the package.json dependencies we see everything that got installed

  1. Setup entry point Overwrite the main in your package.json with "main": "expo-router/entry", Now we cann use Filebase routing.

  2. Copy content from App.js Copy content from App.js file and and add it into a _layout.jsx file that is in a new folder app This will be the starting point of the application

  3. Modify project configuration Add a deep linking scheme with your app name in your app.json config

    Its used to deeplink expo and react native applications. Allows you app to be open within a specicific screen directly from the url outside the app.

In the app.json under "name" you can change the value to your app name. The slug which is an url friendly name of the app you can also change it to your app name.

File with many configuration to improve your app.

  1. Start the app -c clears the cache. npx expo start -c

  2. Expo If you want to directly test the app on your device you can use the Expo go app on your device. And scan the qr code. You need to be connected to the same network. In iOS

  3. turn the VPN Status Off
  4. Local Network on.

  5. index.jsx index.jsx is often used as the entry point or main component of the application, similar to an index.html Routes define then different screens/pages in the app. *Routing determines how users moves between different parts of the application. And the _layout.jsx will be present in all files

So there we would set the navbar or header for that we can use a special snipped rnfes But you have to have ex7+ react snippets extention in vscode installed.

Then rename the object to RootLayout

Apply style

Assign to the element style={styles.contentname}

To center the container element on the screen.

const styles = StyleSheed.create({
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center'
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        textAlign: 'center'



To apply directly a style you can use double braces style={{marginHorizontal:'auto'}}


When you want to render your index.jsx on your home screen we can modify the layout.jsx to render different screens and specified default ones or we can use the <Slot/> property from expo router

import {Slot} from 'expo-router'

const RootLayout = () => {
    return <Slot/>
export default RootLayout

if you want to wrap it with other components like header or footer you can write

const RootLayout = () => {
And we don't need the styles anymore.

The <Slot> renders the current child route.

Another way to do navigation is to use a Stack of different screens. There you add all the screens via <Stack.Screen name="screenname"options=.../>

import{Stack} from 'expo-router'

const RootLayout = {} => {
        <Stack.Screen name="index" options={{headerShown:false}}/>
        <Stack.Screen name="explore" options={{title:"Home"}}/>
So now if you want to create a new route you have to create a new file filename.jsx inside app folder for the route create the rnfes, build your structure and then link it to the index stack.

To navigate to the new screen we need a Link component from expo-router in the index.js

import {Link} from 'expo-router'
export default function App(){

        <Link href="/profile" style ={{color:'blue'}}> Go to profile</Link>

Styling application

To style your application you can use a framework like NativeWind.


Adding images

You can put the images in the assets directory in the project folder

To show a background image you need to import in the import {View,Text,StyleSheet,ImageBackground} from 'react-native' and also import the image reference import imgName from '@/assets/images/imageName.png'

Then you can use

//!!!! Needs to be inbetween the open and clos of imagebackground
<Text style={styles.text}>Hello Text</Text>

If you want to cover the image the entire screen you can add the resizeMode="cover" to

Typescript vs Javascript

If you use typescript you can leave the file endings to index.tsx. but if you use javascript you have to change it to index.jsx

Modify the splash screen

Go into the app.json file and then to "splash". There you can see the link to the splash screen img.

Modify the icon

Go into the app.jsonfile and there you see the object icon

So if you for example don't want to use tabs you can drag the index.jsx out of the (tabs) folder and delete the tabs folder. Then add "**/*.jsx" to the tsconfig.json so it doesn't add every file that you move.

You need to import Link from expo-router import {Link} from 'expo-router'

<Link href="/explore">Export</Link>

When you style the link you can add textDecorationLine: 'underline' to create the link look.


If you want more complex interactions or custom styling it can make to use Link and Pressable instead of Button because you can customise more.

import {Link} from 'expo-router'
import {Pressable} from 'react-native'

href="/explore" style={{marginHorizontal:'auto'}}
<Text> Explore</Text>


When you have a folder in (categories) that defines groups. Anytime you create a folder like this it needs its own _layout.jxs file.

If we have a group we then can reference the group in the _layout file

<Stack.Screen name="(groupName)" options={{headerShown:false}}/>


Tabs is a special directory. It tells expo to use the tab layout. _layout.txs defines how the tabbar and each tab behaves. Your files for the single pages need to be in the (Tabs) folder.

In the layout file you need to set the right links to your pages that you want to lead to with the tabs.

Define the tabbar active/inactive colors

In the <Tabs screenOptions={{...tabBarActiveTintColor}}> can we define the colors for the active tab. If you want to define the inactive color you can use tabBarInactiveTintColor:

You can assign a color object

import {Colors} from '@/constants/Colors';
const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
        tabBarActiveTintColor:Colors[colorScheme ?? 'light'].tint,
colorScheme ?? 'light' is null coalescing operator if color is null or undefined it is setting it to 'light'

in the constants/Colors.ts file can we set the basic colors or define which colors we want in dark and light mode for our app so we easily can reference it through the whole app.

Modify the header

We can assign the alignment of the header with headerTitleAlign:"center" in the <Tabs screenOptions={{...}}>

Icons in Expo

Under you can see what icons you can use in expo.

Be aware who supplies the icons and that you import the right icons e.g. icons from Ionicons import Ionicons from '@expo/vector-icons/Ionicons';

import Ionicons from '@expo/vector-icons/Ionicons';

    title:'Contact us',
    tabBarIcon:({color,focused}) => (
        <TabBarIcon name ={focused ? 'people-circle' : 'people-circle-outline'} color={color}/>

Themed Text

Themed text contains already the colorscheme

Import fonts

If you want to use your own fonts in your project you have to use a special hook to load your fonts. For that we use useFonts.

import {useFonts} from 'expo-font'
Once imported we have to load the fonts in in the Layout using the useFont hook. We pass in an object of all the fonts we want to use
import {useFonts} from 'expo-font'

const [fontsLoaded,error] useFonts({
    "Fontname": require("../assets/fonts/linktofont.ttf")

Constants folder

You can create a constants folder to save the links to certain assets and assign them to constant names so it is easier to import them later

import bookmark from '../assets/icons/name.png' 

export default {

Perform an action while the page is loading

useEffect is a hook from react that is used to perform side effects in application. Side effects are things that happen as a consequences as something else. Something happens in our application, something gets triggered and as a side effect we have something else that happens. Side effects are mostly gonna be a result of a state change. We can use an useEffect to execute behaviour white the page is loading.
