Run Script On Server
To run a script on a server you need a javascript environment on a server. Most commonly used for that is node.js
- Install node.js
You can download node js on
To check if node.js got properly installed test in terminal node -v
- Write a simple Javascript file
In a file called for example
write your javascript behaviour
To execute the javascript file in the node environment
node index.js
in the terminal
- Execute File on a server Local server If you want to execute a script on your computer as a server you can create an HTTP-Server-Script
const http = require('http')
const server = http.createServer((req,res)=>{
res.writeHead(200,{'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hallo von meinem Node.js-Server!\n');
const port = 3000;
console.log('Server läuft auf http://localhost:${port}');
External hosting To host a JS script not just locally but on a server you can rent a Virtual Private Server or you can use free cloud products (Heroku, Railway,Render)
Install Node.js if it isnt already installed
Upload Code via Git or FTP/SSH to the server.
Install dependencies
npm install
Start Script
node server.js
Execute script constantly To execute the script constantly it makes sense to use a prozessmanager like pm2
npm install pm2 -g
Start script with pm2
pm2 start server.js